Regulation Update Strategies

  • Strategy #1

    Update the City’s zoning use regulations to clarify and enable innovative housing types such as Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), townhouses, and cottage-style developments.

  • Strategy #2

    Update off-street parking regulations for consistency with Housing Needs Assement (part of the Housing Action Plan) and the 2021 Downtown and Housing Subarea Plan.

  • Strategy #3

    Adjust zoning development standards to reduce barriers for additional housing types and to ensure any new development of additional housing types is integrated appropriately.

  • Strategy #4

    Update the zoning code to accommodate permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, indoor emergency shelters, and indoor emergency housing.

  • Strategy #5

    Review and ensure code enforcement does not displace residents.

  • Strategy #6

    Evaluate potential building code amendments to provide more feasability for mixed use development, small aprtments, and rehabilitation of older buildings.

  • Strategy #7

    Evaluate revisions to sidewalk requirements and policy to better meet the needs of the community while considering flexibility for new development.

  • Strategy #8

    Audit and streamline permitting processes for development in th Critical Resources Area (CRA) Ovelay Zone.

  • Strategy #9

    Create materials for deveopment guidance & outreach following code updates.